Hideous Night tell the exciting story of how a brilliant female researcher and a brave outcast enter another dimension to battle extraterrestrial parasites that prey on humanity. And to combat them they must call on all their courage-for the enemy does not take prisoners.
Domains of Darkness is a
collection of Short Stories
covering a wide range of
fantastic possibilities. In
here you can find a book
that foretells your future
and how things lurk in the shadows, watching your every move.
The Cave Of Shadows tells the story of a man and a woman who discover there is something wrong with the Universe. But in discovering the truth they find only terror, for their world is not what they believed it to be. And it holds a dark secret.
A terrible disaster has afflicted
the Earth. In many parts of the
world humanity has been thrown back into the Dark Ages. And the end of the world is nearing.
Time is running out but Kalli has
inheirited a strange artefact that
has many answers.
But does it have the one answer
that humanity really needs—
how to avert the Doom of Stars?
Quantum Exile tells the mind-bending story of how an ordinary man-Dexter Ward-is caught up in an incredible conflict across multiple realities. Due to a quirk in Quantum Mechanics, he is repeatedly thrown from one realm of probability to another, with each universe more alien than the preceding one. He discovers that two entities are searching for him: a woman who loves him and strange creatures that wish to destroy him.

"Resolution of Stars" continues
the story begun in "Doom of Stars".
At the end of the previous novel a few refugees had tried to escape
from a seemingly-doomed Earth.
But what of the desperate people
left behind as the Destroyer
approached? This is the story
of two of them.
My second collection of short stories covers a range of alarming possibilities. Discover our world after its conquest by a savage alien race - the Gorathnar. Read about a man who gets the immortality he always dreamt of - and wishes he hadn't. Find out what happens when aliens arrive and say they have a legal right to all the oxygen in our air...and many more blood-curdling tales!
"Culmination of Stars" brings t
he epic "Stars" Trilogy to a triumphant conclusion. "Doom" showed how the Destroyer was created; "Resolution"
followed the story of survivors. And now "Culmination."
Five great starships were launched
from the Solar system in an attempt to save the human race from extinction by
founding a colony around Alpha
Each ship faced incredible dangers in their desperate, centuries-long journeys.
But none more so than the flagship Magellan, for its stricken crew must face a danger even greater than the one they escaped; a threat which imperils the entire Milky Way galaxy.
It is the near future. The vampires have emerged from the shadows and claimed mastery of the Earth. Humans have been reduced to farm animals and forced to give up their blood on demand to their masters. But humanity is not yet doomed - a band of freedom fighters - the Sons Of Man - are fighting back and have learned a vital secret - there is something that the vampires fear, and it is coming for them.
The great Tripartite war between
the humans, the vampires and
the Old Gods has finally broken
out. The humans are fighting
to shake off vampire rule and
reclaim their world. The vampires
are fighting to save themselves
from a living horror. And the Old
Gods are fighting for conquest
and their love of destruction.
And there can only be one victor.