DEVOURING DARKNESS is my second collection of short stories. The stories are experimental: one is an example of Flash Fiction; another qualifies as a novella. The tales are mainly SF but with some supernatural, some naturalistic, and at least one (attempt) at humour.
CYCLE OF THANATOS - the novella - deals with the men and women on an undersea base trying to develop new food sources for the starving billions. Their base is supposedly impenetrable - but something has penetrated it and is turning them against each other. Perhaps there are food sources that they hadn't considered.
THE UNSPEAKABLE ONES deals with the aftermath of the conquest of our planet by a powerful alien species. Every year thousands of enslaved humans are taken off-planet to an unknown destination. Irina Miller is one of them. She discovers what the aliens' plan for her is - but she has some plans of her own for them.